The world, how it works, surroundings, myself, etc.

Friday, January 30, 2009

The Vicious Circle: It all comes back

I committed a sin two years ago.

I had purchased a Sony product - a laptop and that too with M$ Vista. It was for my little brother. I knew Sony couldn't be relied upon, my CD writer from sony had stopped working years ago, but still I went ahead and made the purchase. And don't even get me started about Vista!

It's all coming back now.

The laptop has performed poorly. Throwing a mere 1 GB RAM to a behemoth named Vista was like offering a gaping pig to a ravaging tornado - it can only result in destruction. And no you could not reinstall it with Win XP because several of the hardware features (like touchpad, wireless) would no more work. Why? Sony hasn't bothered to make drivers for XP (aka M$ did not want it so).

And when I say that the laptop had Vista in it, I mean it literally. It did not come with a Vista CD, it never does. All it comes with is a partition with a Vista recovery disk on it. There's a funny key-combination to activate this recovery upon boot, and can be figured out only by serendipity (the laptop didn't come with a manual either).

Anyway, after less than a year's use, Sony timer kicked in. The battery started dissipating in minutes and transitioned to a situation where it could not work at all without AC power. A Japaenese friend had told me earlier about the Sony timer - the law stating that all Sony products expire when their warranty expires. Now that I think of it, that's exactly what happened to my CD writer too.

Moving forward with life, I'm trying to purchase a replacement battery from the Sony store. Bear with me while I tell you that it costs $192.34 (excluding shipping, I think). This is about one-fourth the cost of the laptop itself. A quick Google Search tells me that equivalent batteries are available for much cheaper elsewhere.

So, to hell with Sony. I'm not going to buy anything with "Sony" on it. This includes the playstation.

Damn you, Sony! Die. Go to hell and die. May the economic recession shut you down!


Sukesh Kumar said...

now, try the Korean counterpart: Samsung. You will know Sony was just a trailer of hell. Samsung is not just sin, it's Devil's worship...

"Go to hell and die"
lol!! shouldn't it be 'die and go to hell'!!

Anonymous said...

Bailouts and stimulus initiatives may help some. The post-mortems on the wrecked global economy, toxic derivatives, US market and dollar crash would continue for several decades. Is time to focus on viable and sustainable solutions? Businesses and banks need bespoke turnaround survival strategies to reduce losses, improve efficiency, increase revenue, gain sustainable competitive advantage, and outperform market competition. The results add real business values, attract investors; create new business opportunities and jobs. One client was advised to reduce losses by 30% and increase production by 50% to attract investors who continue to target undervalued growth sectors, niche and captive markets where consumer demand still continues to grow in double-digits annually to 2030. What other solutions are out there for recovery?,